Other Interventions
DCF is quick at its response to emergency issues around the nation and its communities.
We have in the past demonstrated this by our prompt response and support during the last Nationwide Ebola Emergency Call.
We donated funding to the Lagos State Ebola Trust Fund as well as facilitated health safety awareness visits and teachings in public schools and local health centers around our host communities.
We also donated PEP items, Non-touch Thermometers and other sanitary disposables required for the period.
Areas of Coverage
Ebola Rescue
In 2014, many African countries experienced the largest outbreak of Ebola, infecting over 28,000 people and claiming over 11,000 lives.
Cholera Awareness
Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated.
Emergency Response
When nature decides to leash out its fury, lives and properties get missing. At DCF, we believe that those affected should not be left alone.